Hello again. I can't believe another week has gone by... time flies when you're having fun! Here's what has been going on this week.
Our vision is to have a greenhouse that is almost completely automated - automatic watering and temperature control. It involves connecting sensors to a "brain", which in turn controls water solenoids and electric power (well….that was an oversimplified explanation :). We are building our own moisture sensors because we plan on using them not only in the greenhouse, but also in the fields. It's quite magical - built with two galvanized nails, some plaster of paris, and some wire. More to come on that, but the greenhouse is almost ready after we’ve installed an exhaust fan and inlet shutters so we can control how much outside air comes in.

Summertime on a thriving farm is one of the most beautiful experiences one can imagine. The fragrance of the flowers, the colors, the serenity... I can only imagine what Uncle Harry's Farm will feel like when the blueberry bushes bear fruit, and the lavender fields will be a sight to see with their scents lulling us into a calm, relaxed state. Can't wait! In the meantime, we're harvesting a lot of squash, and broccoli.
Until next week, my friends, stay healthy...because keeping your health is being truly wealthy!